The idea is to create a collection of individual views from individuals around the world. [SINCE 2006]
Sunday, September 30, 2007
TARA'S VIEWThe view from Tara's window in Toulon, France.
"Here is a picture from a relative's window I took it when I was there visiting in September"
CHRIS' VIEWThe view from Chris' window in Florida, USA.
"The only hills in Florida. The tower in the distance is the Citrus Tower in Clermont, Florida"
KRISTINA'S VIEWThe view from Kristina's window in Kosice, Slovakia
"This is what I see when I look out of my balcony window. I took the picture while it was raining, that’s why it may seem a little bit darker. That’s a very cool blog you’ve got there and it’s an awesome idea to collect views from people around the world :) Keep going!"
LISSA'S VIEWThe view from Lissa's window in the Philippines.
"I love looking out of windows because they open to a world of possibilites.I took the picture from my 4th floor flat. The window looks out to a verdant park, where these two birds are constant visitors"
STEPHAN'S VIEWThe view from Stephan's window in Potsdam, Germany.
"I moved into a new, small but nice office in Potsdam (Germany) last month and took the attached picture. It's in midtown and there are a lot of tiny, green backyards, slowly turning to yellow, brown and red colors"
BIANCA'S VIEWThew view from Bianca's window in Augsburg, Germany.
"Do u take small towns too?" K - Sure do
QING'S VIEWThe view from Qing's window on the way to Queenstown, New Zealand. "This photo was taken in New Zealand, on our way to Queenstown. We came around a bend and was greeted with this sight! The car in front of us got impatient and tried to plow on ahead ... only to get stuck! No idea where the sheep were going, and none where they came from. They had a shepherd, though, and a dog that were hustling them down the road. We were there for a while.."
CLEMEN'S VIEWThe view from Clemens window in Germany.
"Im Clemens from Germany and i think thats a beautiful and great idea from you.Here is my picture.... its so depressive okay but its my window. My House is on the country but its near Dresden"
Sunday, September 23, 2007
JO'S VIEWThe view from Jo's window in Roman, Romania.
"The picture is taken from my room's window on a gloomy day"
MARIA'S VIEWThe view from Maria's window in Upper Austria.
"Here is a view from my window on the plane to japan, with Mt fuji under thewing"
CAROL'S VIEWThe view from Carol's view in Cape Town, South Africa.
AMANDA'S VIEWThe view from Amanda's window in Chicago, USA.
"Your blog is absolutely wonderful! This is a view of Lake Michigan and the Chicago River from our living room. This is common scene in early spring when boats go out to dock along the lake and during late fall when they go back to be stored for the winter. The bridge is one of 45 moveable bridges spanning the Chicago River"
GRACE'S VIEWThe view from Grace's window in London, England.
"This is the view from the living room of my flat in London, England. The trees in the street had just come into blossom and the street were awash with beautiful pink petals. It was gorgeous! Alas, the blossom had to make way for the leaves so now it's all green!"
MARIE'S VIEWThe view from Marie's window in Silver Star, British Columbia.
"I live at Silver Star BC and it was taken after a very early snow, sometime in October. That's my view from the living room. If I was rich enough to live on the second floor (!) I would also see the Monashees in the back and they are breathtaking. But I am still too poor to afford a better view. Still, it's a beautiful place where I live"
UNAI'S VIEWThe view from Unai's window in San Sebastian, Spain.
"My name is Unai and I´m from San Sebastian, (Donostia in Basque), a beautiful town in the Basque Country (North coast of Spain). In this picture you can see the view from my window in a 13th floor. A little bit of the sea can be seen at the left of the hill"
MATHIS' VIEWThe view from Mathis' window in Kalkar, West Germany.
"That's the view from my window. I live in Kalkar, that's in the "Lower Rhine Region", in West Germany. I shot this photograph, when i was watching sunset with my girlfriend. I fetched my father's digicam and focussed the clouds near the sun. several trys later i had that picture on the memorychip"
THOMAS' VIEWThe view from Thomas' window in Salzhemmendorf, Germany.
You found a theme that appeals to us all; looking out our windows and sharing such in true internet style. We and our big puppy thank you for adding us to your hall of fame. Carol [Canada]
Every time I turn my computer on I take a look at the views in your blog. I love to start my day like this and I think it’s a great idea to publish a collection of the 100 best views. I would love to have a copy of the book. Mirja [Finland]
Love your blog - it really took me out of my world when I looked through the images, and reminded me of places and journeys I've made. Jim Holt [London]
Here's a blog which brings joy to my heart: The View From Your Window. Take a photo looking out your window, email it to the blogger, and she'll post it. Read the blog to see views from windows in dozens of countries around the world. Sure beats the view from your desk, doesn't it?
I hope you get not drowned into pictures since the German web-tv posted a link to your blog. Klaus Matthey [Germany]
Hope you will collect a lot of them! It's really interesting to see how the world is on the various parts of the world. I will be watching your page. Dawid [Poland]
What a fabulous idea - this will be fascinating to watch as it grows and becomes (I'm sure) an international phenomenon! Barry McGlashan [Scotland]
"This blog is a collection of views from people's windows, a very interesting analysis of living environments around the world" B-Media
Reading the blog is like looking through dozens of windows around the world, all at once. Artnouveauho [USA]
Great idea, by the way. Hope people will keep sending more views. Ilka Hiltunen [Finland]
Good luck. This is going to be BIG! I can feel it. Joe Moran [USA]