Sunday, May 27, 2007

PRIMOž'S VIEW (This does not do the view justice, click on it to enlarge! It is truly spectacular)

Thew view from
Primož's window in Vrhnika, Slovenia.

"I really like your blog - it is a great idea! This is a view from the first floor of our house in Vrhnika, Slovenia. It was composed from five digital photos"
ELISA'S VIEW The view from Elisa's window in Barra Velha, Brasil.
DEAN'S VIEW The view from Dean's window in Hove, UK.
K.C'S VIEW(Winter trophy collection)(Winter trophy collection)

The view from K. C. Jobe's window in Houston, Texas, USA.

"Winter, Spring, not much difference in yard, but since Winter I have added another dart trophy!"

Saturday, May 26, 2007

The view from Petya's window in Stralsund, Germany.

"I thought though that i'd like to share my window view in case somebody wants to take a peek outside a student room (and a kitchen in one image) in Stralsund, Germany. It's almost on the Baltic Sea coast. I know, we think it's a joke too, but the beach is close enough to shut us up. It's very diverse, this view, but it's hard to catch the subtle colours.

None of the photos i attached was processed any more beyond light and color adjustments done on the camera (cause i found myself reaching to photoshop several times to make myself feel better about my photographic skills) - i see this is maybe important in your blog since most pictures look very natural. i promise i'll browse through them when i've gotten some sleep. I'm interested to see that world out there behind those windows"

GRACE'S VIEWThe view from Grace's window in London, England.

"This is the view from the living room of my flat in London, England. The trees in the street had just come into blossom and the street was awash with beautiful pink petals. It was gorgeous! Alas, the blossom had to make way for the leaves so now it's all green!"
CAROL'S VIEW The view from Carol's office window in Wynberg, Cape Town, South Africa.

"The view from the window of our cia office in Wynberg, Cape Town taken from upstairs"
The view from Juliet's window in Assisi, Italy. "Here is the view from my window in Assisi's Old Town, where I have been on pilgrimage this week"And the view from Juliet's hotel window in Rieti, Central Italy.

"Where I stayed for one night this week"
MARK'S VIEW The view from Mark's window in Tamworth, NSW, Australia.
Thew view from Amanda's window in Lake Michigan overlooking the Chicago River.

"...from our living room. This is common scene in early spring when boats go out to dock along the lake and during late all when they go back to be stored for the winter. The bridge is one of 45 moveable bridges spanning the Chicago River"

Friday, May 18, 2007

CRAIG'S VIEW The view from Craig's window in Vermaklikheid in the western cape of South Africa.

"From our river cottage. No piped water, no electricity, just peace"